I was born in 1988 and raised in Dade City, Florida, USA.
I grew up in an Assemblies of God church. I went through all the Assemblies of God programs as a child. I was involved with anything I could possibly help with at church. My parents loved (and still love) me and support me in everything I did and do. I went to a community college where I received my certificate as an E.M.T.
I wish I could have said that an angel visited me in the middle of the night and revealed that I would be a missionary BUT that didn't happen. It was subtle. God had set it in my heart when I was about 9 years old that I would be involved in missions of some sort. I had no idea what that would look like but I lived my life with that passion. I learned all I could and God gave me grace in ways that I had never expected nor deserved and then .... I met my husband.
Greg moved down from Indiana to work with the youth ministry I was apart of. He was (and still is) an incredible man of God and we both believed that we would be great partners in ministry and partners for life. One month later we were engaged and four months later we were married, October 2008. God knew what He was doing.
We served under many great ministers and people that spoke wisdom into our lives. Finally we saw the door open to missions and we took a giant leap of faith.
We lived and served as Missionary Associates in Gran Canaria, Spain for over 3 and a half years from 2013-2016. We had the opportunity to work in every aspect of the church. We learned through this experience how to trust in God and lean on His understanding and strength to carry out His work in Las Palmas. We then returned as fully appointed missionaries and became lead pastors of Christian Life International Church July 2019 - 2022. We are currently raising funds and look forward to returning back to our home and place of ministry very soon.
I have the privilege of being mom to 3 amazing kiddos, my sweet Little Lana (2018), my spunky island girl Liby (2020), and my red-head baby boy Liam (2023).
I couldn't have planned our lives to work out as it has. God's plan is always greater than ours. We have to surrender our lives to His will and be willing to do and go anywhere He calls us to.